The things some people will go to in an effort to try to make themselves more beautiful than nature intended nearly cost a TV presenter her life. Andress Urach, a Brazilian model, who incidentally claims to have bedded footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, something the Portuguese player has always strenuously denied, almost died when plastic surgery to plump her rear end appeared to go horribly wrong and started to rot her tissue!
Doctors became increasingly concerned to the extent that at one time they feared that they would have to amputate the presenter’s leg, because of the problems caused through the fillers injected to enhance the model’s derriere! These fillers included hydrogel and PMMA, which when removed triggered what turned out to be a life-threatening septic shock.The 27-year-old, who has reportedly undergone at least nine cosmetic procedures in the past five years, these include a nose job, a bioplasty facial “correction,” jaw reduction, breast enlargement, liposuction and even vaginal lip reduction.

You would imagine that having become runner up in the Bum Bum contest, she would be proud of her rear end, but apparently not, she was determined to try to improve it and underwent the surgery procedures. In an effort to make it “more round and plump” but she soon complained of discomfort and pain and had 400ml of hydrogel drained from each of her upper thighs. This was in July but the pain continued until November which was the time that she nearly lost her leg.
She has thanked everyone who prayed for her recovery and went on to say; “God is great and is taking care of me.” Perhaps she should be satisfied with what He gave her in the first place!