The unknown mad bad dad whips the siblings after finding out they uploaded a booty-shaking clip to Facebook Many viewers were outraged that an adult male would beat two girls to such an extent. One opined, “No matter what those kids did, no one deserves to be beaten to that extent. How can you keep going when your child is screaming like that?”
Shocking footage showing a dad whipping his two young daughters with cable wire after busting them "twerking" has sparked outrage.
A disturbing 30-second video shows the man beating the girls after finding out they had uploaded a sexually suggestive booty-shaking "twerk" clip to Facebook.
He orders the pair, whose faces have been blurred, into a corner before hitting them.
A disturbing 30-second video shows the man beating the girls after finding out they had uploaded a sexually suggestive booty-shaking "twerk" clip to Facebook.
He orders the pair, whose faces have been blurred, into a corner before hitting them.
The video has been seen more than 2 million times.
The video, first posted in March, has since gone viral and been seen more than 2 million times.
It's not clear exactly where the incident happened.
The father ordered both to a corner before hitting them. Many have taken issue with his tactics, calling for child services to get involved. It is not known where the incident took place.
Many have condemned the unidentified dad's actions, urging child services to get involved.
One viewer said: "No matter what those kids did, no one deserves to be beaten to that extent. How can you keep going when your child is screaming like that?"
Another added: "A grown man beating those girls like that was horrible! Does he care about them?"
Although the footage offended many, some have defended the angry father’s “fine parenting skills.”
WARNING: You may find the footage disturbing.