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US Airways Twitter mishap: sent NSFW graphic image to upset customer

 seems that US Airways have a little bit of explaining to do after a mishap on Twitter yesterday when they were dealing with an upset customer. The customer had complained via the social networking site about her plane which had been delayed and caused a late arrival, only to be presented with a very graphic image of a naked woman with a model plane inserted in her vagina.
The tweet itself stated: “We welcome feedback, Elle. If your travel is complete, you can detail here for review and follow up” and included a link to the offending picture. The tweet with the image remained online for up to an hour after it was posted, resulting in thousands of responses and retweets.
The company later removed the tweet and apologised via Twitter, stating: “We apologise for an inappropriate image recently shared in a link in one of our responses. We’ve removed the tweet and are investigating.”

And the original offending 

image if you wish

Don’t scroll down if easily offended graphic image