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Amanda Bynes slams Rihanna: 'Chris Brown beat you because you're not pretty enough'

27-year-old actress goes after the singer on Twitter, calling her 'ugly' and bringing up the infamous
2009 assault by ex-boyfriend Chris Brown.
Amanda Bynes has picked a new target, and this time her Twitter rage is directed at Rihanna.
For reasons unknown, the troubled actress unleashed a string of hateful messages toward the "Unapologetic" singer, and then quickly deleted them.

"You look so ugly tryin to be white," Bynes, 27, wrote - seemingly out of nowhere. "Chris Brown beat you because you're not pretty enough."

"No one wants to be your lover so you call everyone and their mother that I almost named my new dog Rihanna," she added.

Amanda Bynes fired off hateful tweets about Rihanna, only to erase them.AmandaBynes/via Twitter Amanda Bynes fired off hateful tweets about Rihanna, only to erase them.
Bynes, who was just in court for new drug charges, has been picking fights with anyone suggesting she needs help.

She recently went after "Love in the Wild" host Jenny McCarthy in an insult-laced Twitter rant for tweeting concerns about Bynes' behavior.

Aside from having a connection to Drake, there's apparently no reason why Bynes would hate Rihanna so much. Bynes has confessed her love of the rapper at length … even saying she wants him to "murder" her private parts.

Rihanna barely responded to Amanda Bynes’ taunts: ‘Ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention,’ she tweeted, but Bynes fired back with another message. AmandaBynes/via Twitter Rihanna barely responded to Amanda Bynes’ taunts: ‘Ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention,’ she tweeted, but Bynes fired back with another message.
Rihanna's former flame Chris Brown got into a bar fight last year with the Canadian rapper, the reason believed to be Rihanna's brief fling with Drake.

"Ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention," Rihanna wrote in response to Bynes' jabs. The singer clearly isn't concerned with the troubled starlet's opinion of her, but the "Easy A" actress kept going.

"Unlike ur fugly faced self I don't do drugs!" she shot back. "U need the intervention dog! I met ur ugly face in person! U aren't pretty u know it!"